Military gaming group Regiment is nominated for Best Mission Statement

Military gaming group Regiment is nominated for Best Mission Statement

Regiment Gaming is a “very active community where veterans can build relationships with other gamers,” as stated on their website. 

Their mission, to unite Service Members and Veterans on all fronts, is just a small part of their goal, but it is an important one that is overdue for a recognition of this type.

The mission statement continues with, “you are not alone. We have your six.”

This is a battle cry for Regiment. The military community is one of the highest communities affected by suicide, and the members of Regiment are dedicated to ensuring that this epidemic is confronted in every way possible.

The gaming organization, composed of more than 8,000 Veterans and Service Members from across all of the U.S. military’s branches, is dedicated to bringing together the military community, past and present.

Gaming is a very popular outlet for Service Members and Veterans. It is a great way for them to form bonds over great distances, relieve stress and even utilize their skills online to perhaps win some great prizes.

The contest, which is hosted by Global Recognition of Esports, is taking votes until Jan 31st, so if you support the effort of ending the suicide epidemic in the Veteran and Service Member communities, please go to and cast your vote for Regiment and their mission.

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