9-11-2001 We Remember

9-11-2001 We Remember

For a long time, the skyline of New York City served as a sign of hope for those arriving here, looking for a better life. The skyline has served as a background to many shots of the Statue of Liberty, the entire scene being a symbol of who we are as a nation. 

 On the eleventh of September 2001, that skyline changed. 

 I remember where I was when it happened. I remember being just a little too young to understand the gravity of what had occurred. I remember my grandfather sitting me down and trying to explain. The truth is, he didn’t know the true gravity either. We didn’t know how much it would change our lives.  

 The stories of bravery that came out of that day are too many to tell. Ordinary people stood up and did extraordinary things. You saw the fabric the American people are cut from, and it was impressive even to a young me who didn’t understand.  

 To the people who were in the city that day, my heart goes out to you all. The things you saw changed you in ways this country boy can’t fathom.  

 We hear the phrase “Never Forget” in association with that fateful day. Shock, confusion, anger and sorrow permeated society for long after the attacks. There are scars to this day. There was another thing I remember. The sense of unity. The response of overwhelming kindness that swept in from across the country and the world was a sight to see.  

 In these days of division, remember who we are.  

 We at Regiment will never forget. To the loved ones who tragically lost someone on that day, you are at the forefront of our minds today. As are the brave first responders, those that are still with us and those who are not.  

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